Yoga Teacher in Berlin - Henna

Henna is a yoga and pilates instructor based in Berlin. Her unique teaching style - warm but powerful- is not only focusing on practising asanas but also on learning to be more mindful through guided meditation, breathing exercises and so much more.


Sum, The Art of Breathful Living

A Korean word 'Sum' encapsulates the profound act of breathing. When we find ourselves overwhelmed, exhausted, and burdened by the weight of stress, 'Sum' offers a sanctuary—a deep, nourishing breath that becomes our lifeline. At the heart of my yoga philosophy lies the aspiration to create yoga classes that embody the very essence of Sum. In these moments of respite, we discover the power of the breath.

My classes are designed to be a place where individuals can pause, take a deep breath, and replenish their energy. Through the practice of yoga, we shed the tension, negative emotions, and stress that accumulate in our lives. It is not just a practice confined to the mat; it's a way of life.

The 'Sum' experience extends beyond the studio, infusing everyday existence with the wisdom of breathful living. It's about learning to find calm in chaos, balance in imbalance, and resilience in the face of life's challenges.

about teacher


2017: 200hrs Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training, Berlin

2017: 100hrs Advanced Yoga Teacher Training, Berlin

2023: 50hrs YinYoga Teacher Training, Online

2023: 50hrs Pilates Teacher Training, Berlin

Beyond Asanas: A Holistic Yoga Experience in Berlin